6 Minutes For Safety Lightning


6 Minutes For Safety Lightning. No round of golf is worth risking your safety or the safety of your friends. Apply first aid procedures to a lightning victim if you are qualified to do so.

EXT. LIGHTENING MED EpisodeInteractive Episode Size 1280
EXT. LIGHTENING MED EpisodeInteractive Episode Size 1280

If the number of seconds is 30 or less, seek shelter immediately. The eap should include a written lightning safety protocol for outdoor workers. Call 911 or send for help immediately.

Suspend activities for 30 minutes after the last observed lightning or thunder.

Inform supervisors and workers to take action after hearing thunder, seeing lightning, or perceiving any other warning signs of approaching thunderstorms. Lightning often strikes from 3 to 6 miles away, though it can be as far as 10 miles. Injured persons do not carry an electrical charge and can be handled safely. Remember, when thunder roars, go indoors!