Australia Has Scary Animals


Australia Has Scary Animals. They must be applauded for their survival skills, behaviours and adaptations, not maligned and often hated for their potentially dangerous ways. One thing is be careful with ants, the jack jumper has an ancient wasp like sting that sends 3% of victims into anaphylactic shock and has caused more deaths in tasmania than snakes, spiders and sharks combined.

Spinechilling nature pics prove Australia really does
Spinechilling nature pics prove Australia really does

It is fast, aggressive and easily roused. Plus 99% of us aussies aren’t scared of even half of the stuff on this list. In fact, the country is home to every single species of shark that's caused fatal unprovoked bites on humans.

Underneath its relaxed exterior, australia is actually trying to kill you.

Yeah because wampus kitty’s and skunk apes are so fucking scary…not. Because of its unique geographic location, australia is home to animals with such horrifying looks that people sometimes have to call australia the most. As far as venom potency is concerned, australia has some of the most potent venomous animals in the world. Green crabs, sea urchins, whelks, starfish, sea clams and large hermit crabs teeth are what give the wolffish its ferocious appearance.