B12 Foods To Avoid


B12 Foods To Avoid. It helps make your dna and your red blood cells, for example. On the other hand, alcohol, gastric disorders, pernicious anemia, or antacids leads to vitamin b12 deficiency as well.

the ultimate guide of vitamin B12 Healthy mind, Healthy
the ultimate guide of vitamin B12 Healthy mind, Healthy

For the sake of convenience, they are categorised according to their types. If you prefer watching a video instead of reading you can scroll down to the bottom of this article for the video version. Although getting vitamin b12 from whole food sources is ideal, only animal foods contain meaningful concentrations of the nutrient.

There are several animal products and fortified foods that are sources of high amounts of vitamin b12.

For the ones who are vegetarian, dairy products like buttermilk and yogurt and fortified soymilk are good options to get their. Yet, having the right combination of foods is necessary for enjoying all the benefits. It used to be thought that plant foods such as mushrooms, spirulina, tempeh and miso contained vitamin b12, but this is not correct. That is why it is so important to know which foods contain vitamin b12.