Car Seat Safety Canada


Car Seat Safety Canada. Four stages of child safety in vehicles, safety notices, active defect investigations, safety and testing information. The car safety seat your child will be using fits properly in the vehicle used for transport.

Car Seat Safety Road Coat®Down Jacket Navy/Teal Car
Car Seat Safety Road Coat®Down Jacket Navy/Teal Car

The nhtsa also reports that there are 59% of “cases in which children’s car seats are used incorrectly” The good news is these injuries can be Winter is right around the corner here in canada.

Check the child safety seat coalition website for the latest information on car seat clinics located throughout ontario.

When children use car seats, they are well protected and less likely to be severely injured. Register your seat with the company, so that you’ll be aware of any recalls or “fix it” kits the company provides. Also a good fit for preemies. That's why it's so important to choose and use the right car seat correctly every time your child is in the car.