Do Amphibians Breathe Through Lungs


Do Amphibians Breathe Through Lungs. Yes, frogs have lungs just like we do have lungs, but how do frogs breathe underwater with lungs? Amphibians such as frogs use more than one organ of respiration during their life.


They live in the marshes, in their adult life they breathe through the lungs. When their skin is moist, and particularly when they are in water where it is their only form of gas exchange, they breathe through their skin. Many young amphibians also have feathery gills to extract oxygen from water, but later lose these and develop lungs.

Amphibians typically have webbed toes and skin covered feet.

Their lungs are powerful, and muscular with more surface area for gas exchange. They live in the marshes, in their adult life they breathe through the lungs. In their adult stage, they breathe through the skin and lungs. These are then closed and the air is forced into the lungs by contraction of the throat.