Failed New Year's Resolutions Funny


Failed New Year's Resolutions Funny. A new year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. Here are some of the top new years resolutions by people who have a screw loose in their head, and the sad truth is that some of these less than.

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So if you are looking for a good joke on new year's resolutions, you have come to the right place. Here are some of the top new years resolutions by people who have a screw loose in their head, and the sad truth is that some of these less than. Let’s hope that 2015 is full of life, love and (less) anime.

They are the best you will find.

Instead of doing this every year, you’re just going to. A new year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. Setting new year's resolutions has become such a joke that it's probably more useful to write a list of funny resolutions and laugh at them. Look up new year's resolution in wiktionary, the free dictionary.