Garden Leave Meaning Uk


Garden Leave Meaning Uk. Garden leave describes the practice whereby an employee leaving a job—having resigned or otherwise had their employment terminated—is instructed to stay away from work during the notice period, while still remaining on the payroll. Garden leave refers to the process where you spend part (or the full) duration of your notice period away from the office, on payroll and receiving contractual benefits of employment.

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An employer can’t ask an employee to go on garden leave unless you both agree (the agreement. Garden leave can also be instigated at the employee's request (if it suits you too) or as part of negotiated terms over departure. Moreover, during garden leave, the employer is under no obligation to provide work or assign any duties to the employee for the whole or part of the employee’s notice period.

To enjoy a garden leave provision allowing them to get paid even after leaving a job.

However, employers should be very careful using it if the employee wants to remain at work. Without prejudice to the provisions of clauses 4.3 (payment in lieu of notice) and 15.2 (summary dismissal), the company may, once notice of termination has been given by either side require the executive to cease performing his job for such period or periods of the notice period as the company shall in its absolute discretion determine. This is called ‘gardening leave’. Garden leave is a notice period where employees are restricted from working but they still get a normal rate of pay.