Garden Leave Uk Meaning


Garden Leave Uk Meaning. Gardening leave is a protectionist measure used by an employer when an employee is terminated or when they tender their resignation. The meaning of garden leave (often known as ‘gardening leave’), is that you require the employee to be away from the workplace during their notice period.

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Instead, the employee is paid their full salary to stay at home. This could be because the employer does not want the employee to have access to sensitive or confidential information they could use in a new job. An employee is entitled and obliged to attend work.

If your employer says you do not have to be at work (known as 'garden leave') you must get paid as usual during your notice period.

Garden leave clause implied even though no express contractual provision. In those jurisdictions, most employment relationships are governed by contract and can only be terminated by notice to the other party (and often only for cause by the Suspension from work on full pay during a notice period, typically to prevent an employee from influencing the organization or acting to benefit a competitor before leaving. During this period the employee continues to receive all salary and benefits but is prohibited from commencing employment with new employers until the gardening leave period has expired.