How Should I Sleep After Wisdom Tooth Removal


How Should I Sleep After Wisdom Tooth Removal. When can i sleep on my side after wisdom teeth removal? Jaw functions should return to normal

Pain, swelling, and after wisdom tooth
Pain, swelling, and after wisdom tooth

It is not recommended to sleep on your side or on your stomach because it can squish your cheeks, adding extra pressure to the area. A few smart ways to get some shuteye after the procedure may include: Having your wisdom teeth taken out can sometimes result in mild pain, temporary numbness, soreness, tenderness, or tiredness.

It is possible to stay fully awake during the removal of your wisdom teeth and only receive local anesthesia.

How should i sleep after my wisdom teeth are taken out? Enough sleep, especially right after the surgery, can help reduce swelling. That been said, when you have your wisdom teeth removal while under or awake, you should not feel any pain other than the injection anyway in the case of numbing/local anesthesia. However, generally, how long does pain after wisdom tooth extraction last?