How To Become A Professional Organizer And Make Money


How To Become A Professional Organizer And Make Money. If you are just starting or if your business is young and you’re looking forward to giving it a boost, consider these resources to become a professional organizer. Since the professional organizer industry is still unregulated, there are no specific requirements to become a professional organizer.

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Public speaking, training new organizers, writing books/blogs, virtual organizing, coaching and more. Courses can be taken online through the national association of professional organizers (napo). You’re also kind of a “blend” of a life coach, therapist, personal trainer, and more.

Professional organizer jobs pay an average salary of $37,392 , per year, as of 2021, according to the job website

At an average rate of $125 an hour, an organizer would need to work 800 hours per year, or 5 hours a day for 13 days a month. Agree to adhere to the code of ethics for certified professional organizers. Most have at least high school diplomas and a passion for neatness. One of the great things about the professional organizing industry is the wide range of specialties to focus on.