How To Become Closer To God During Quarantine


How To Become Closer To God During Quarantine. This has become a blessing in disguise to bond and enjoy little moments with them. The world is moving so fast you forget that the main reason you’re working hard is your family.

Giving Geloof
Giving Geloof

It’s like having a friend and walking together through a hallway at school. It is, for me, a time to let things go. It has given me more time to become more acquainted with my inner self and be in tune with my thoughts.

It has been nice to slow down, and really get to know each other again.

We can use isaiah 41:10 as our motivation and once we continue talking to god and praying to him. Despite the adjustments we’ve all had to make, there’s also one constant: With a lot of thought and creativity, you can successfully date in a wholesome way that puts god first. Here are ways you can grow closer to him, even when far away from the church.