How To Get Swipe Up Option In Instagram Without 10k Followers


How To Get Swipe Up Option In Instagram Without 10k Followers. All you need to do is upload your video or your image to igtv, and there’s a little link button in the top left hand corner. A friend of mine had the same issue and all he needed to do was update the app, which he had not.

How To Get Swipe Up On Instagram Stories Without 10k
How To Get Swipe Up On Instagram Stories Without 10k

It's always been that way ever since instagram had that option, but ever since i made that video, igtv came out, and with the help of igtv, there is a workaround where you could actually get the swipe up a link on instagram stories. If you have 10,000 followers on instagram, it will give you the option of. “hey, i’ve just released a brand new masterclass.

Now add the swipe up link.

At the top of your screen, you will see a link symbol. But with instagram only offering one placement. But there is a way you can swipe up on instagram without 10k followers through which you can plug in your site or channel. Make sure you swipe up to watch it.” 3.