How To Give A B12 Injection To A Cat


How To Give A B12 Injection To A Cat. The injections are given in the subcutaneous tissue (sub = under, cutaneous = skin), which is considerably looser in the cat than in the human. Intrinsic factor (if) may have to be supplied to facilitate b12 absorption.

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The only minor issue would be that with a smaller gauge needle, it will take a bit longer to get all the liquid out. The best spot to give the injection is the loose skin in the neck area (the skin a mother grabs her kittens by). So, we can give a daily tablet of b12 but that has to happen for 10 to 12 weeks.

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Talk to your veterinarian to find out whether b12 shots are an option for your cat. If you plan to give your cat its shots in a room that it doesn’t normally go in, then spend some time letting your cat get used to the space before you actually administer the shots. Turn the bottle of b12 upside down, insert the clean needle into the rubber seal and withdraw the required dosage. So, we can give a daily tablet of b12 but that has to happen for 10 to 12 weeks.