How To Prevent Diastasis Recti Pregnancy


How To Prevent Diastasis Recti Pregnancy. Diastasis recti can be a concern for many women during pregnancy. Opt for exercises such as pelvic tilts that engage the deeper transversus abdominis muscles, the set under your rectus abdominis that run perpendicularly and crosswise from hip to hip.

Diastasis Recti Explained! What it is and how to prevent
Diastasis Recti Explained! What it is and how to prevent

By learning to stand in neutral spin, without tucking your butt underneath you is super important. Opt for exercises such as pelvic tilts that engage the deeper transversus abdominis muscles, the set under your rectus abdominis that run perpendicularly and crosswise from hip to hip. Choose an exercise program during your pregnancy that will prevent diastasis!

Choose an exercise program during your pregnancy that will prevent diastasis!

In this article, we’re going to take a look at what percentage of women get diastasis recti during pregnancy, what you can do during pregnancy to decrease it’s severity, and how to boost your recovery postpartum. There are also exercises you should avoid during your pregnancy that could cause unwanted pressure on your abdominal muscles. Grace flowers on pregnancy + living wholeheartedly. Choose an exercise program during your pregnancy that will prevent diastasis!