How To Sing High Notes Without Straining


How To Sing High Notes Without Straining. Do this and you will increase your vocal range and be able to deliver exciting high notes to the audience. There’s no denying the fact that singing loud is the pinnacle of singing.

How To Sing Higher Without Straining Singing techniques
How To Sing Higher Without Straining Singing techniques

Put your hand next to your cheek and as you sing a melody that goes up, you move your hand down, or rather relax your hand down. As you exhale, notice your abdomen retract into your body as the air is released. Lowering the back of your tongue creates a breathy sound because it allows more airflow.

Put your hand next to your cheek and as you sing a melody that goes up, you move your hand down, or rather relax your hand down.

For example, one exercise to relax the throat muscles is moving the hand down. Absolutely every single one of my teachers at this time tried to help me sing higher notes, with tricks like; The way you can learn to sing the high notes properly, is by practicing speech level singing exercises. Be aware of where you are making the sound resonate in your head.