How To Teach English Abroad Without A Tefl


How To Teach English Abroad Without A Tefl. That said, in many countries where work visas are hard to come by, it is common practice for teachers to work on a tourist visa, or with no visa at You can teach abroad without a degree.

Teach English Abroad (Peru, Fiji ad more!) with GoEco.
Teach English Abroad (Peru, Fiji ad more!) with GoEco.

So, in sum, to teach english abroad, you need to have to be a native speaker, have a bachelor’s degree, or a tefl (the bare minimum). The tefl certification is the standard certification that is commonly required to teach english abroad. You can tefl without a degree.

You can teach abroad without a degree.

The standard education requirement for foreign english teachers abroad is a bachelor’s degree. Unless you have one of the following: 6 places to teach without a teflif you decide you want to teach overseas without a tefl certificate, your options are limited but not impossible, especially if you have a university degree. For a deeper dive into where exactly you can teach english abroad with a high school diploma only, check out our blog on the five countries that don't require a degree to teach english.