How To Use Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Internally


How To Use Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Internally. Tap or mineral water contains dissolved minerals that will react with the extra oxygen, wasting it. It has phosphorus added to neutralize chlorine usually contained in the water used to dilute it.

35 Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Discount Ordering Page
35 Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Discount Ordering Page

For most people this means an hour and a half [90 minutes] either side of food. For a mouthwash, dilute 1% peroxide 50:50 with water. Soaking, inhalation and taken orally.

So anything that you place on your skin constantly will house germs and bacteria.

Some people use 1% h2o2 with no additional water. But it can be toxic if you inhale or ingest it or if it comes in contact with your skin or eyes. It is important that you take 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and dilute the drops in distilled water. Shake it up, and then put it in a nasal sprayer.