Instacart Customer Service For Shoppers


Instacart Customer Service For Shoppers. Instacart pays shoppers a fee per order which includes mileage along with the customer’s tip. Shoppers use a special instacart shopper app to complete each step of the process.

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If you're an instacart customer and have been for longer than two weeks, you can take the survey below. Instacart has a page or online help desk for customer service, but you can also call them on the phone. Instacart is a grocery delivery service.

And again, if you didn't realize it was an option and you'd rather have a dialog with somebody, you can actually phone them.

Feel free to call whenever you’d like as the number is available 24/7. With instacart customer service just a phone call away for all current and prospective instacart shoppers and users, help is easy to get. Please only take the survey if you're an instacart customer. We also have regional offices that allow us to work as closely as possible with our retail partners and shoppers across the us.