Internet Safety Poster Assignment


Internet Safety Poster Assignment. Help your children to stay safe online with the teaching, activity and display resources in our internet safety pack! Think about a theme or specific message you want to get across and include a thoughtful title, your name and block.

Create your own digital "footprint" with important
Create your own digital "footprint" with important

This is a great actviity to incorporate as part of safer internet day! Once the teacher has checked your information, go to type to learn. You’ll find a selection of resources you can use in the classroom with children or use our parent pack to continue the online safety conversation at home.

You may get ideas and suggestions from your group members but you must complete the poster by yourself.

Create an internet safety poster. Please be creative in creating an informational poster to provide safety tips for using the internet. You may get ideas and suggestions from your group members but you must complete the poster by yourself. Our template library has a wide array of designs across various industries.