New Technology Inventions For Business


New Technology Inventions For Business. One area where the impact of technology on business has brought both positives and negatives is security. The laptop has probably sealed more recent business deals than any other tool.

10 Cool NewTech Things from the 2017 Consumer Electronics
10 Cool NewTech Things from the 2017 Consumer Electronics

The entertainment world will literally create the next generation of stars. A new invention in flexible screens will allow mobile phones and tablets to be bent, flexed, folded and rolled. View the latest technology headlines, gadget and smartphone trends, and insights from tech industry leaders.

Nowhere does this quote seem to be more applicable than in the technology industry.

With inventions like edible water bubbles and helium balloons that transport us to near space, our future looks very promising. So far, we have not seen what it looks like or what technologies it will use to achieve it, but the leading companies in this field announce that it is. Data breaches can be devastating to a new business without the resources to handle it, with the average incident costing small businesses about $36,000. We are literally living in a hotbed of progress that’s merging human intelligence with technology like we have never witnessed before.