Primary Health Care Journal


Primary Health Care Journal. Primary health care visit our free resource centres to help all nurses and healthcare professionals during this period, we've made our most relevant articles and learning modules free The literature offers abundant evidence of the importance of primary care in improving the management of people’s health.

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All manuscripts are reviewed as rapidly as possible, while maintaining rigor. In a deinstitutionalised mental health care system, those with mental illness require complex, multidisciplinary and intersectoral care at the primary or community service setting. Community settings including the community controlled health services, the community health sector and roles within social service settings.

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This paper describes an evidence map of different strategies to strengthen the provision of mental health care at the primary health care (phc) setting, the quality of the evidence, and knowledge gaps. Primary health care nurses work in a range of settings, each sharing the characteristic that they are a part of the first level of contact with the health system. All papers should make clear the relevance of their research to an international primary health care audience and implications for policy and practice. Browse the list of issues and latest articles from scandinavian journal of primary health care.