Red Umbrella Wedding Meaning


Red Umbrella Wedding Meaning. As one of the primary colors, red is combined with blue to make shades of purple and yellow to make shades of orange. Traditionally, the bride is required to be sheltered with a red umbrella as she leaves her home as a symbol of warding off any negative elements.

large original abstract painting, kissing in the rain,love
large original abstract painting, kissing in the rain,love

A good fortune woman or the matchmaker will shelter the bride with an umbrella while she is under the open sky. In many cultures, particularly the far east, red represents good fortune. Occasionally used as a purple accent color.

This is probably some form of protection against any evil influence.

Most people do not perform any special activities and the bride's parents and relatives will either go to the marriage registrar or the church to attend the wedding ceremony. The dowry, 妝 [ gaa jòng ], along with the wedding gifts from the groom’s family, is typically given two or three months before the actual wedding day, but the red umbrella is left in the bride’s home to be used in the wedding. This umbrella symbolises raise the bark, spread the leaves, and protects the bride from evil. A young boy is then invited to jump on the bed to bless the couple with fertility, completing the ritual.