Secret Service Agent Training


Secret Service Agent Training. Secret service recruits personnel of the highest caliber to carry out its integrated missions of investigation and protection. The job of special agent offers qualified men and women a challenging and fulfilling career.

A still showing (from left to right), Tiger Tanaka, the
A still showing (from left to right), Tiger Tanaka, the

The adventures of a secret service agent, this is called “protective intelligence.” any time someone. The satc is 100 instructional days and consists of 769 hours of instruction. If you graduate from secret service recruit training, expect your personal life to suffer.

Peripheral classes introduce the students to a variety of administrative programs operating within the secret service.

Sociology undergraduate degrees have become commonplace among individuals interested in careers in federal law enforcement, such as special agents in the secret service. From a firsthand perspective, please allow me to add my own insights. Secret service recruits personnel of the highest caliber to carry out its integrated missions of investigation and protection. If you graduate from secret service recruit training, expect your personal life to suffer.