The Plantation System Of The Cotton South Was


The Plantation System Of The Cotton South Was. What is the plantation system? Plantations were farmed lands controlled by european settlers.

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At first the farmers grew tobacco and cotton. The social history is considered in terms of large plantations with more than 20 slaves that grew cotton and other crops for export, and the plain folk, who owned few or no slaves. The plantation system developed in the american south as the british colonists arrived in virginia and divided the land into large areas suitable for farming.

The numbers of enslaved africans transported to the caribbean islands and to mainland north and south america increased hugely.

The cotton economy had close ties to the northern banking industry, new england textile factories and the economy of great britain. The social history is considered in terms of large plantations with more than 20 slaves that grew cotton and other crops for export, and the plain folk, who owned few or no slaves. In the seventeenth century, the process of settling colonies was commonly known as transplantation, and individual settlements went by such. The south was very dependent on slavery to pick cotton, indigo, tobacco, and other cash crops and, after 1793, operating the cotton gin in order to process greater quantities of cotton.