Various Security Services In Cryptography


Various Security Services In Cryptography. It makes secure data transmission over the internet. In my research, as a network security manager, i will analyze cryptography, web security, and security of wireless network system to implement the network security strategies for the organisation in future.

Technology is truly valuable to people when it acts as a
Technology is truly valuable to people when it acts as a

Cryptography in the cloud employs encryption techniques to secure data that will be used or stored in the cloud. Cryptography is the science of keeping information secret and safe by transforming it into form that unintended recipients cannot understand. Encryption is essentially important because it secures data and information from unauthorized access and thus maintains the confidentiality.

In this article, we are going to study what these goals are that are to be met while ensuring data security.

Having identified the relevant security threats to a system, the system operator can apply various security services and mechanisms to confront these threats and implement a desired security policy. [4] [4] there is no universal agreement about many of the terms used in the security literature. Here’s a blog post to help you understand ” what is cryptography “ and how can it be used to protect corporate secrets, secure classified information, and personal information to guard against things like identity theft. In this paper sections are organized as follows: