White Cats Deafness Blue Eyes


White Cats Deafness Blue Eyes. Many cats are born with congenital deafness, which causes deafness in the cat as it ages, instead of later on. Mine is not fully white, it has some pigmentation on the tail, although it does have both eyes blue.

beautiful blue and green Chat blanc yeux bleus, Chats
beautiful blue and green Chat blanc yeux bleus, Chats

Studies have shown that solid white cats with two blue eyes have 65% to 85% chance of being deaf. Deafness is far more common in white cats than in those with other coat colors. However, there is no need to be feared to bring a cat with blue eyes home because more than 50 percents of cats who are not pure white, their blue eyes are not always related to deafness and blindness.

However, that is not guaranteed.

Hereditary deafness is a major concern in white cats, and even more so if one or both irises are blue in color. In one 1997 study of white cats, 72% of the animals were found to be totally deaf. Pointed cats, like siamese, who have a lighter body and darker extremities, always have blue eyes. Some of these breeds only ever have.