Why Do Cats Hiss At New Cats


Why Do Cats Hiss At New Cats. The evolution of the cat hiss happened over many years. Cats hiss at anything and anyone they perceive to be a threat.

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Why do cats hiss at new kittens? Unfamiliar objects in the house that move strangely may trigger your cat to hiss or be fearful. Your reaction may be to approach or reprove the cat, but his hissing action should override your impulse.

Your cat is simply asking for space when it is hissing.

Rescued cats can hiss due to fear. Cats from the same household may also hiss at each other when they don’t feel like sharing food, water, toys, or a sleeping space, or when they are tired of playing. Cats tend to growl or hiss when they feel threatened or fearful of certain people. It’s important to notice the warning signs before they start hissing to better pinpoint why your cat is resorting to that behavior.