Writing A Letter With You-attitude Means Writing


Writing A Letter With You-attitude Means Writing. ” (yuan & li, 2010:11) we will compare with the following sentences, sentences (1) adapt “we attitude”, while sentences (2) adapt “you attitude” e.g. Place each new topic in a different paragraph.

Free Resignation Letter Template Due to Health Issues
Free Resignation Letter Template Due to Health Issues

A business letter should be brief but the writer must also bear in mind the rules or etiquette observed in writing it. While all writing principles are important to the development of effective letters and memos, some are especially effective in helping writers achieve their objectives. From the point of view of the reader.

Do not sound pompous or bureaucratic.

Make a suggestion rather than giving advice. Focusing on the needs of your reader. From the point of view of the writer. The writer has these questions in mind: