Arunachal Pradesh Disputed Border


Arunachal Pradesh Disputed Border. China claims arunachal pradesh as part of southern tibet and routinely protests visits by indian leaders, foreign officials as well as the dalai lama to the area. Based on the consensus reached by the two sides recently, neither side should take any action that might complicate the.

“The land of the dawnlit mountains, Arunachal Pradesh, is
“The land of the dawnlit mountains, Arunachal Pradesh, is

China continues to consider arunachal pradesh as part of tibet which was occupied by the chinese forces in 1959. Because the gap between the positions of china and india is wide, it is difficult for both nations to reach. It shares international borders with bhutan in the west, myanmar in the east, and a disputed border with china in the north at the mcmahon line.

The central sector runs from gya peak to the junction of bhutan, arunachal pradesh and tibet.

The boundary has been disputed by china and the setting up of new villages in the area is being seen as a chinese step towards reasserting its territorial claims along the arunachal pradesh border. The chumi gyatse — like the niagara falls that delineates the us and canada, or the iguazu falls at the border of argentina and brazil — has come to symbolise the. Based on the consensus reached by the two sides recently, neither side should take any action that might complicate the. India’s claims again rest on the treaties of 1648 and 1842.