Protein Foods List Veg


Protein Foods List Veg. Foods in the legume family are good sources of vegetarian protein, and peas are no exception: Quinoa often makes a great substitute for starchy rice and pasta , and you can cook it like an upma , use it in a salad and even toss some vegetables and cook it like a light, healthy pulao.

High Protein Vegetables & Why You Should Be Eating Them
High Protein Vegetables & Why You Should Be Eating Them

Consuming foods rich in protein such as soybean, lentils, cottage cheese, pumpkin seeds etc. In one serving of asparagus, you can find 3 grams of protein as well as just 27 calories per cup. Whole eggs are high in protein, but egg whites are almost pure protein.

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The daily value (%dv) for protein is set at 50 grams per day. Whole eggs are high in protein, but egg whites are almost pure protein. In one serving of asparagus, you can find 3 grams of protein as well as just 27 calories per cup. The quintessential vegetarian food, tofu ranks surprisingly low in protein relative to the other foods on our list.