How To Clean Plaque Off Teeth With Braces


How To Clean Plaque Off Teeth With Braces. You could also opt for soft picks because they help brush in the tight spaces found within your teeth and braces. Because of the increased challenges of cleaning the teeth while in braces, orthodontic patients cannot rely on simple brushing and flossing.

WHITE SPOTS caused by plaque buildup can ruin the joy of
WHITE SPOTS caused by plaque buildup can ruin the joy of

Learning how to clean retainers is important, especially if plaque builds up. Do not try to jam the tip between your teeth—its job is to break up debris right at the gumline. Lastly, you may want to use a mouthwash rinse.

You could also opt for soft picks because they help brush in the tight spaces found within your teeth and braces.

You could also opt for soft picks because they help brush in the tight spaces found within your teeth and braces. Calculus is a dark yellow color and can definitely cause the teeth to be discolored. You can also use a floss threader, which will get the floss underneath the wire of your braces. Brushing and flossing will remove food particles and plaque from your teeth.